Monday 11 February 2008

Bookmark Club: Chapter 1

To kick things off, here's a bumper top twenty covering bookmarks from the past fortnight or so. Unsurprisingly, US election fever generated a host of political bookmarks, whilst the unending glut of great movies released since the new year guaranteed a filmic flavour. First place goes to - a fine example of next generation web (community-based, utility-loaded, 3D-packing, affiliate-funded) from the founders of

Revolutionise the way you shop for your home

2. Domino's BFD (Big Fantastic Deal)

Build, name, publish and order your perfect pizza

3. googlegen.pdf (application/pdf Object)
If you only read one research paper this year...

4. Web tool predicts election results and stock prices - tech - 07 February 2008 - New Scientist Tech
Activity on the web can provide more than a snapshot of what people are interested in on a given day. It is also being used, with some success, to predict future stock prices and election results.

5. Richard Sennett on the craftsman in us all | Review | Guardian Unlimited Books

It takes 10,000 hours of practice to become a skilled carpenter or musician - but what makes a true master? Richard Sennett on the craftsman in us all

6. SN 5694 -Electronic Edition of Domesday Book: Translation, Databases and Scholarly Commentary, 1086
This electronic edition aims to make Domesday Book both more accessible and more intelligible by presenting its contents in a variety of forms: a translation, databases of names, places and statistics, and a detailed scholarly commentary

7. On the Origin of Species | Science |
150 years ago, Charles Darwin unveiled his theory of natural selection. To mark this anniversary we bring you the definitive guide to the naturalist's great book, with extracts from key chapters and essays from leading scientists and thinkers

Bizarre transhumanist campaigning site

9. Stuart Jeffries and Stephen Moss on who would gain from a recession | Business | The Guardian
Budget-airline boss Michael O'Leary says he does - but would it help anyone else? From politicians to artists, and debt collectors to environmentalists, Stuart Jeffries and Stephen Moss look at who stands to gain

10. YouTube - Super Tuesday

Interactive video / maps mashup revealing the Super Tuesday drama as it happens

11. Guardian :: VW Film Search
VW continues to build its film platform and extend its Guardian partnership with an interactive connection-mapping tool

12. Are political leanings all in the genes? - being-human - 02 February 2008 - New Scientist According to an emerging idea, political positions are substantially determined by biology and can be stubbornly resistant to reason.

13. Google Holiday Logos

8 years of whimsy from the world's favourite search engine

14. Naomi Klein: Class is back in the US as the ownership society crumbles | Guardian daily comment | Guardian Unlimited
Bush hoped to be proud father of the rightwing economic revolution's grand project. Instead, he is its undertaker

15. From computers to ubiquitous computing, by 2020
Free two day conference hosted by the Royal Society

A brand calling for public acts of subversiveness? Jake Burton = legend

17. Black Mirror / rorriM kcalB
Live-mix Arcade Fire's latest single

18. A new golden age in cinema | News | Guardian Unlimited Film
A revolution in ambition and intelligence has brought us films to rival those of the 40s and 70s

19. DEWmocracy Home

Join DEWmocracy and your journey will help you shape the flavor, color, name, logo, and design of the next Mountain Dew.

20. Listing all ideas - Ideablob: where ideas grow is where entrepreneurs and small business owners can share and grow their business ideas – and have a chance to win $10,000 towards fulfilling them.

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